The Method
Our Method is a comprehensive Spiritual Sadhana intended to free oneself from grossness settled around the Soul in the form of coverings. It is also intended for self-realisation and can be practiced by anybody, irrespective of caste, creed, gender or age (above 18 years). This method is absolutely simple, pure and highly effective and enables one to awaken and harmonize the unlimited power of the mind and use it for his evolution. It also aids in regulating the mind to channelize its enormous power for bringing out the innate talents of a person for effective use, besides improving the general health of the individual.
Now comes the Master’s help in the form of ‘Transmission’ of Divine grace which is directed towards the Abhyasi’s heart in order to establish a link between him/her and God. In fact, Master prepares a person to the required level and hands him over to God after regulating his/her mind. A minimum of three months of sustained practice as per the prescribed regimen will convince the true seeker of its proven efficacy.
After studious practice of the various facets of Spiritual Sadhana as prescribed by our revered Master, ‘Will Power’ develops automatically and one is able to perform both worldly and spiritual duties with the same verve and a point comes when the will becomes powerful giving the required thrust for spiritual pursuit. However, one should approach this system with total faith, confidence and sincerity and must be prepared to undergo the Spiritual Sadhana throwing off all self and self-centered ideas. To get initiation for practice, please attend any one of the Beginner’s course conducted by us at various centers.